Latest MIRA Update

Our Club has embarked on a major community project for a Multi-generational Inclusive Recreation Area (MIRA – click here to view a Powerpoint presentation). This is a Master Plan with 9 elements aimed at creating:

  • An inviting community space, which is safe, attractive, and fun.
  • Encourages a healthy engagement with nature/outdoors, education and supports social interaction.
  • A free community place for individuals of all ages and families to come together, buildintergenerational social connections and nurtures a sense of belonging and community.
  • Inclusive and provides dignity to those with different abilities.
  • New toilet and BBQ facilities

The project is in its early planning stages, so watch this space for updates and how you can get involved.

Proposed site for transformation

Short Point Beach Play area and Carpark and public toilets in Tura Beach.

Samples of specialised equipment

Project Update March 2024

We have engaged the services of Fiona Robbé Landscape Architects to develop a Concept Design for MIRA which is the first critical step of the Project. 

This has been made possible with grants provided by the Bendigo Community Bank – Pambula, Bega & Bombala and from the FRRR/ ANZ Seeds of Renewal Program, together with funds raised by the Club along with the generous support of Caddey Searl & Jarman and local businesses.

The Concept Design is an essential part of the full application to Council, expected to be submitted this year. 

Fiona Robbé is a Landscape Architect with over 30 years of experience in the design of outdoor children’s environments, public playgrounds in parks (local and state government), as well as play areas in schools, preschools, zoos, churches, museums and anywhere children, young people and adults can play. Fiona is also on the Australian Standards committee for playgrounds.

To inform the concept design, Pambula-Merimbula Lions are currently undertaking community consultation with key user groups.

On Tuesday 12 March we held a media event at the MIRA site.

The event was to thank the sponsors for Stage 1 of the project – Bendigo Community Bank, ANZ – FRRR and Caddy Searle & Jarman.

Here are a few photos from the event: